Johannes Esch, M.Sc.

Research Assistant


Phone: +49 (0)202 / 439 - 5564

Office: M.14.26

E-mail: jesch[at]


Office hours: by appointment only


Short CV:

Johannes Esch studied Business Mathematics at the University of Wuppertal, where he received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. 2019-2021, he worked first as Bachelor’s student assistant and later-on as Master’s student assistant within the research group Analysis. Between 2021-2023, he held several positions as a working student in the insurance mathematics and software industry. Since October 2023, he is research assistant at the chair of Economic Statistics & Econometrics of Prof. Dr. Uta Pigorsch.


Research Focus:

  • Financial Market Data Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Time Series and Network Analysis